Long and tripple jump

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  • Take-off markers set POLANIK


    Set of 2 take off markers for long jump and triple jump. Made of aluminium, powder painted, white with dark blue stripes.

    Producer - Polanik.

  • Take-Off Marker


    Take-off marker for long and triple jump with black stripes on both sides. Made of aluminium & powder coated for durable finish.

    Producer - Vinex.

  • Aluminium rake POLANIK

  • Sand leveller POLANIK NP-S0326


    Designed to level sand landing area of long jump (and triple jump) facility after athletes’ jumps during training and athletics competitions. Durable steel construction lets you prepare the landing area considerably faster than it is done in a common way - the leveller is fitted with the gathering blades which effectively prevent sand from pouring over the beam;
    strong and comfortable handles have got specially shaped grips for easy pulling. Special guides ensure precise adjustment to the landing area width.

    Producer - POLANIK.

  • Red cover POLANIK MP-001


    Made of PVC mesh, steel galvanized chain installed in the edges for anchoring, good protection against dirt.

    Producer - Polanik.

  • Competition take-off board...

    IAAF certified competition set (safer without metal elements on top) : white take-off board is fastened from the bottom side to the base board. Stainless steel foundation tray with lowered long edges, they are to be covered by synthetic surface. Impregnated wooden base board. Two indicator plasticine boards, designed for competition. Indicator training board without plasticine, designed for training. Drain tubes, to be put under the foundaition tray for better water drainage
    plastic grids, they put under the base board to provide proper water outflow. Spacing boards, used for concreting to secure the foundation tray against deformation. Plasticine forming knife, designe to shape the palsticine on the indicator boards
    spare plasticine approx. 300g
    Producer - POLANIK.
  • Cover for training take-off...


    Steel galvanized cover for take-off board S-0294, secures the inside of the board tray, smooth surface and 6 adjustable feet (in the range of 16 mm) for installing synthetic track, made of galvanized steel, strong ribbed construction.

  • Stainless steel cover for...


    Stainless steel cover for take-off competition boards, secures the inside of the board tray, smooth surface and 6 adjustable feet (in the range of 20 mm) for installing synthetic track, strong ribbed construction.

    Producer - Polanik.

  • Plasticine straps for...


    Set of 8 red plasticine straps, specially shaped, ready to be put into the indicator board recess, designed for S-250 competition take-off board.

    Producer - POLANIK.

  • Training take-off board S-0294


    Training, complete set for installing in the track, includes all the necessary elements: white take-off board with plasticine, foundation tray, draining tubes, draining plastic grids, forming knife and plasticine (approx. 500g).

    Producer - Polanik.

  • Universal distance...


    Universal, light and durable aluminium construction, two segments screwed together, universal model with long jump scale 4,5 - 8,5 m on one side and triple jump scale 13,5 - 17,5 m on the other side.

    Producer : Polanik

  • Triple jump distance...


    For triple jump, light and durable aluminium construction, two segments screwed together, triple jump scale 13,5 - 17,5 m.

    Producer - Polanik.

  • Long jump distance...


    For long jump, light and durable aluminium construction, two segments screwed together, long jump scale 4,5 - 8,5 m.

    Producer - Polanik.